Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.
How to read a meter

According to National Electricity Market rules we must read your meter* at least once every six months, but we attempt to do so once every three months. The way we read meters depends on the type of meter you have installed at your premises.

Manual readings

A meter reader visits your property, sights your meter and types the meter reading into a handheld computer that sends the data directly to our metering and retailer billing systems. The reading is then validated and sent to your electricity retailer who calculates your final bill. Manual readings are mostly used for accumulation meters

Probe readings

A meter reader visits your property and attaches an optical probe to a communication port on your interval meter. The meter downloads 30-minute interval kWh data into the meter reader’s handheld computer. The information is automatically sent through to our metering and retailer billing systems. The reading is then validated and sent to your electricity retailer who calculates your final bill. 

Smart meter readings

Your electricity retailer (the company that sends your electricity bill) is responsible for reading your smart meter. Smart meters are generally read remotely via communications systems, so a technician doesn't have to visit your property. The remote readings are 30-minute interval kWh data, which are sent through to our metering and retailer billing systems by your retailers appointed meter data provider. Your electricity retailer calculates your final bill. Information about smart meters can be found at Australian Energy Regulator


*Ausgrid is responsible for meter reading, testing and maintenance services of historic Ausgrid meters that have not been installed under the Power of Choice rule change.

  • Estimated bills - what happens if we can't read a meter?
    Meter faults and meter reading errors are extremely rare. All electricity meters must be accuracy tested by the manufacturer before they are installed. They must also comply with the National Electricity Rules, National Measurements Act and relevant Australian Standards.

    We carry out random accuracy checks to make sure the meters are in good working order. This data, and our processing of this data, is audited and approved each year by the Australian Energy Market Operator.

    However, if you are concerned about your meter reading or meter, you can ask for a meter test or a special read via your electricity retailer. Where a meter is found to be inaccurate, a notification is sent to your electricity retailer stating that the meter needs to be replaced. Your energy consumption may be reimbursed via your retail bill if required. Any enquiries about when an inaccurate meter is to be replaced or any potential reimbursement, should be discussed with your electricity retailer.

    Note: This information is only valid for accumulation and interval meters owned by Ausgrid that have not been installed under the Power of Choice rule change. If you have a smart meter you will need to contact your retailer for further information.

    Step 1 - Talk to your electricity retailer

    Before requesting a meter check or a special meter read, talk to your electricity retailer to get a good understanding of your energy use.

    Your retailer may discuss what appliances are being used inside your home, including any new appliances, to see if it correlates with the electricity use shown on your bill. Your retailer may compare your electricity bill with the same period in previous years.

    Make sure your retailer explains the information on your bill so you can properly compare it.

    Step 2 - special readings and meter tests

    If after discussing your bill with your retailer and where the retailer confirms that the meter is owned by Ausgrid, you still believe your meter read is not correct, you can ask your retailer to request us to conduct a special meter reading or meter test.

    Special meter readings involve a meter reader visiting your home or business to perform a meter read. Our analysis shows Ausgrid meter reads are highly accurate, with an error rate of 0.04%.

    A meter test involves a technician visiting your property to conduct technical checks to make sure your meter is working correctly. This may require a power outage. The results of the meter test will be provided to your retailer.

    The fees for a special meter readings and meter test are set by the Australian Energy Regulator and only reflect the cost of providing this additional service. This fee is passed on to your retailer.

    If there was a mistake reading your meter, or if there is a fault on your meter and it is replaced the fees will not be applied.

    Current fees can be found in Ausgrid’s Connection Policy – Connection Charges.
  • Meter access

    Special locks can be installed so our meter readers can get access through locked gates. To find out more or order a lock please call 1300 664 582 or visit

    Looking after your pets

    You can help us read your meters safely by taking any of the following steps with dogs and other animals that may pose a risk. Where possible:

    • keep the animal in a safe and secure place inside the house or other building
    • keep the animal securely in a yard or area separate from your meter box
    • keep the animal securely restrained by chain or rope at least five metres clear from your meter box and not on the access route to the meter box location.
  • Meter accuracy and tests
    Meter faults and meter reading errors are extremely rare. All electricity meters must be accuracy tested by the manufacturer before they are installed. They must also comply with the National Electricity Rules, National Measurements Act and relevant Australian Standards.

    We carry out random accuracy checks to make sure the meters are in good working order. This data, and our processing of this data, is audited and approved each year by the Australian Energy Market Operator.

    However, if you are concerned about your meter reading or meter, you can ask for a meter test or a special read via your electricity retailer. Where a meter is found to be inaccurate, a notification is sent to your electricity retailer stating that the meter needs to be replaced. Your energy consumption may be reimbursed via your retail bill if required. Any enquiries about when an inaccurate meter is to be replaced or any potential reimbursement, should be discussed with your electricity retailer.

    Note: This information is only valid for accumulation and interval meters owned by Ausgrid that have not been installed under the Power of Choice rule change. If you have a smart meter you will need to contact your retailer for further information.

    Step 1 - Talk to your electricity retailer

    Before requesting a meter check or a special meter read, talk to your electricity retailer to get a good understanding of your energy use.

    Your retailer may discuss what appliances are being used inside your home, including any new appliances, to see if it correlates with the electricity use shown on your bill. Your retailer may compare your electricity bill with the same period in previous years.

    Make sure your retailer explains the information on your bill so you can properly compare it.

    Step 2 - special readings and meter tests

    If after discussing your bill with your retailer and where the retailer confirms that the meter is owned by Ausgrid, you still believe your meter read is not correct, you can ask your retailer to request us to conduct a special meter reading or meter test.

    Special meter readings involve a meter reader visiting your home or business to perform a meter read. Our analysis shows Ausgrid meter reads are highly accurate, with an error rate of 0.04%.

    A meter test involves a technician visiting your property to conduct technical checks to make sure your meter is working correctly. This may require a power outage. The results of the meter test will be provided to your retailer.

    The fees for a special meter readings and meter test are set by the Australian Energy Regulator and only reflect the cost of providing this additional service. This fee is passed on to your retailer.

    If there was a mistake reading your meter, or if there is a fault on your meter and it is replaced the fees will not be applied.

    Current fees can be found in Ausgrid’s Connection Policy – Connection Charges.
  • Reading your own meter

    How to read a dial display

    Dial meters have between 4 and 6 dials that alternately move clockwise and anti-clockwise.

    Dial display

    Dial display

    Steps for reading your dial display meter

    1. to read the display, stand directly in front of the meter so you can clearly see the hands on all dials
    2. start with the clock that is furthest on the left and write down each number. If the hand points in between two numbers, write down the lowest number (note – write down 9 if the hand points between 9 and 0)
    3. do the same with the next dial as you move to the right (ignore any red dials)


    The meter dials below show consumption of 46,925.


    dial display graphic 

    How to read a cyclometer display

    A cyclometer display is easy to read and is similar to the odometer in your car. Simply write down the six digits displayed. This meter shows consumption of 25,030 kWh.

    Cyclometer display

    cyclo meter display

    How to read a digital display

    The newest accumulation meters have a digital display that is also easy to read. Simply write down the digits displayed. This meter shows consumption of 94 kWh.

    Digital display

    Reading a digital display


    How to read an interval display

    Interval meter displays show you the total amount of electricity you use for each tariff on the meter, such as domestic load, Off Peak Hot Water or Solar Generation. Details of the different tariff registers displayed on the electronic display of the meter can be found in ES3.

    Ausgrid programs its interval meters to automatically cycle through the available displays every 6-8 seconds. You can press the button (if available) to more quickly move through the meters display.

    Interval meters always display the date and time before cycling through to other displays. (Note that the time is always in Eastern Standard Time, as this is required by National Electricity Rules). After the date and time, the first display is always the total kWh.

    Date display (27/8/2014)
    Reading your meter - date field

    Time (10:08)
    Reading your meter - time display


    Total kWh (4040.9)
    Reading your meter - Kwh


    How to read a smart meter

    Smart meters displays show you the total amount of electricity you use for each tariff on the meter, such as domestic load, Off Peak Hot Water or Solar Generation. Details of the different tariff registers displayed on the electronic display can be provided to you by your retailer.

    Please note that meter reading number may not be the same as the start and finish reads on your electricity bill. To accurately determine your consumption for the quarter you will need to read your meter on the next scheduled read date, which is identified on your bill.

    Most customers have one electricity meter per tariff, however depending on the connection arrangement; there may be two or more meters per tariff. To determine your electricity usage, all of the meters associated with the tariff should be read. Your electricity bill will identify which meters are associated with each tariff.