Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.


How to get connected

Follow the steps to connect your property or block to the electricity network.


First check your location and connection status

 Step 1: Define your requirements and engage electrical professionals 

You’ll need to tell us about the electrical and physical details of your proposed connection. For example: How much power will you need? Will you connect using overhead lines or underground cables?

We recommend engaging an electrical professional who knows how to design your connection and the type of connection to apply for. Find out more about the steps involved in connecting to the network.

Do you need more information to help you plan? 

You might need some information from us to help you plan your connection. For example, you might need to know what network infrastructure is nearby to get an idea of the time and costs involved in getting connected. If so, visit 'Apply for a connection' to submit a Preliminary Enquiry and we’ll provide you with a written response.

Do you need advice on specific connection or request?

See the links below for information on different types

Do you need a temporary supply?

We can provide a short-term connection, known as ‘temporary builder’s services’ (TBS), to provide power during construction. To apply for temporary supply apply for a new or modified connection.

There is no fee for a TBS if an existing single domestic premise is being demolished and the site redeveloped for a new single domestic residence. The existing connection is ‘relocated’ on the same site with the same meter number (NMI).

2. Submit a Connection Application Form

Apply for a new or modified connection

To apply to connect or modify a connection for a residential or commercial premises, visit ‘Apply for a Connection’ and choose the application form for your connection requirements. Use the Quick Reference Guides to support your application.

The application forms ask for technical details about your connection and many customers choose to have their electrical professional complete an application on their behalf. Ausgrid strongly recommends this.

Large connections requiring changes to the network

Applications requiring augmentation of the network are assessed by our technical team. These projects will be managed through the Ausgrid Connections Portal. Find out more about the process and Portal here.

Need more help? Refer to the information in our connection types section for technical information and advice on your connection type. For more complex connections you may need further help from Ausgrid and can submit a Preliminary Enquiry to get connection advice.  Find out more about the Contestable Connection Process.

Choose a connection offer

In the application form you need to choose a ‘connection offer’. The connection offer sets out the connection work and charges you are responsible for. All our customers have the right to propose and negotiate connection terms, and if you have a complicated connection situation you might need to do this. Most of our customers choose instead to use one of our ‘model standing offers’.

We have model standing offers to cover most connection situations and you can select one of these when you fill out your application. An advantage of choosing a model standing offer is that it might be possible to expedite your application so that you can start building your connection sooner.

Model standing offers

There are two types of model standing offer: a ‘basic connection service’ and a ‘standard connection service’.

A basic connection service is one that can be made without major upgrades to Ausgrid infrastructure. Most connections are basic. Essentially, you just need to connect your premise to the nearest suitable connection point on the network. You don’t need to extend the network itself because there is enough capacity to support your connection. Applications for basic connections can be expedited. 

A standard connection service is one that requires Ausgrid infrastructure to be modified or new infrastructure to be built. Standard connections are more expensive and time consuming than basic connections. They are most often needed for remote properties or residential subdivisions. As well as connecting your premises to the network you may also be responsible for designing and building the needed augmentations to Ausgrid's infrastructure.

For more information see Model Standing Offers.

3. Check our connection offer and sign a contract 

When we have all the information we need to assess your application, we’ll send you a connection offer or contract within 10 business days of receiving your application.

It’s important to check the technical details in the connection offer or contract. Although we can usually implement your connection requirements as you requested, we also have to consider their impact on other network customers and may not be able to offer you what you requested.

Do you need to expedite your application?

Ausgrid has model standing offers to cover most connection types which can be used for an expedited connection offer. Most of our customers choose this option.

You don’t have to check or sign anything. If we agree the connection details you submitted in your application match the model standing offer you selected, your contract begins on the day we received your application and is valid for one year. If you’ve not connected within the year, you’ll have to reapply to connect.

However, you have a right to propose and negotiate your connection terms via a non-expedited offer. Negotiating a connection contract may introduce significant additional time and costs to the connection process.

Connection charges

Your connection offer or contract will set out charges for your connection, see Our Charges for Connections. These are in addition to the costs of the electrical professionals you’ll need to design and build your connection, see 'Contestable Connection Process'.

What you need to do next

If you submitted an expedited application for a basic connection service

We’ll send you a National Meter Identifier (NMI) — if you need one. You can start building your connection, see step 4.

If you submitted a non-expedited application

We’ll send you a connection offer that suits the connection details you applied for. You have 45 business days to accept the offer or negotiate changes (see Negotiating a Contract below). If you accept the terms of the offer, we’ll issue you with an NMI (if you need one).

The contract is valid for one year, if you’ve not connected within the year you’ll have to reapply to connect. 

If your connection requires work on the Ausgrid network

We’ll send you a design contract. You’ll need to engage an appropriate ASP to design the network changes and then submit the designs to us. Once we have certified the design we’ll make you a connection offer. You have 45 business days to accept the offer or negotiate changes (see Negotiating a Contract below). The contract is valid for one year, if you’ve not connected within the year you’ll have to reapply to connect.

If you submitted your design with your application and we’ve certified them, we’ll make you a connection offer immediately.

For an overview of connection steps see the Contestable Connection Process.

If you applied for a negotiated connection offer

If you applied for a negotiated connection offer or if we assess that none of our model standing offers match the connection details you applied for then we’ll negotiate a connection contract. We’ll let you know within 10 business days of receiving your application if this is necessary.

Our connection negotiation process explains how we’ll arrive at a connection offer that best suits the circumstances of your connection and any costs relating to the negotiations. For information that might help you when negotiating a contract, see our Connection Policy.

We must make you a negotiated connection offer within 65 business days of receiving your connection application. This doesn’t include the time waiting for you to provide any additional information we request from you. You then have 20 business days to accept the negotiated connection offer.

4. Get the work done

Arrange an electricity retailer (if necessary) 

For a new connection you can use your National Meter Identifier (NMI) to arrange a contract with an electricity retailer who will provide you with an electricity meter. (They'll also let us know that you have a contract with them.)

Build your connection

Engage and pay electrical professionals to do the necessary work. You will need qualified ASPs for any ‘contestable services’ your connection requires, such as:

  • building or modifying the connection to the network
  • designing modifications to Ausgrid infrastructure
  • building modifications to Ausgrid infrastructure.

What if your plans are delayed?

Your right to connect expires one year from application submission. If you don’t connect before then you’ll need to reapply for a connection. Because our network is always changing your connection options may not be the same.

Who is involved in the process of installing and/or modifying your electricity supply connection?

You’ll need Ausgrid plus a few other providers to install or modify your electricity connection.

Ausgrid:  We’re responsible for the network of cables and other equipment that distributes electricity between electricity producers and consumers. To get electricity to your premises or to supply electricity that you generate to others you need to connect to our network.

An electricity retailer:  Ausgrid does not generate electricity, we simply distribute it. You need a contract with an electricity retailer to supply you with electricity through our network. If you’re installing embedded generation your contract should also cover selling the electricity you generate.

You’ll need a contract with an electricity retailer to get an electricity meter. We can’t energise your connection without one.

Electrical professionals:  You’ll need to choose and pay for electrical professionals to build and attach your connection. As well as electrical work inside your premises you’ll need some ‘contestable services’ to install or modify a connection. For example, you may need to:

  • attach your premises to a connection point on the Ausgrid network or work on an existing connection
  • design upgrades to Ausgrid infrastructure to support your connection
  • build extensions to Ausgrid infrastructure to support your connection.

We’ll let you know the contestable services you need when we respond to your connection application.

To guarantee the safety and reliability of the network only Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) who are authorised to do work in Ausgrid's area can do contestable service work. For information on the steps involved in connecting to the network see the Contestable Connection Process.

5. You are now connected 

We have obligations to maintain a certain level of service to you over the life of your connection (for example, to fix faults promptly). Likewise, you have obligations to follow all laws and regulations covering the use of your connection.

If you're a large consumer of electricity

Please let us know if your electricity use changes (especially if it is much less) than what you envisioned in your connection application. It helps us know the available capacity of our network.