If you are experiencing a life threatening electrical emergency such as receiving a potential electric shock or tingle from a tap or appliance, or see live, loose and/or sparking or fallen electrical wires in proximity to people or vehicles, we need to know about it straight away.
For life threatening situations call 000 first. Report electrical emergencies to Ausgrid on 13 13 88 (24hrs). Click 'Yes, it's dangerous' button below and follow the emergency advice.If you are experiencing a life threatening electrical emergency such as receiving a potential electric shock or tingle from a tap or appliance, or see live, loose and/or sparking or fallen electrical wires in proximity to people or vehicles, we need to know about it straight away.
For life threatening situations call 000 first. Report electrical emergencies to Ausgrid on 13 13 88 (24hrs). Click 'Yes, it's dangerous' button below and follow the emergency advice.In an event of electric shocks or tingles from taps, wiring and appliances:
Do not attempt to touch or rescue a person who as received a shock until the power has been cut off and the situation has been made safe by a suitably qualified person.
Remember, people who are in contact with an electrical source are themselves conductors of electricity until the power is turned off. Do not try to adminster first aid until the power has been turned off by a suitably qualified person.
If someone near you receives an electric shock, do not put yourself in danger:
To let us know about fallen wires and damaged powerlines you can make a report online, or call us on 13 13 88 (24hrs).
To report any other sort of hazard such e.g damaged or open kiosks call us on 13 13 88.
To request tree trimming, or a pole maintenance inspection check Our Services.
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