Responsibilities for vegetation around poles and wires on private property
Property owners are responsible for keeping private overhead powerlines free of vegetation. They are also responsible for ensuring that their powerlines and poles are inspected, tested and maintained at regular intervals. See the scenarios below for helping working out your responsibilities.
Trimming or removing vegetation near powerlines is highly dangerous. Any tree trimming performed near Ausgrid powerlines must be done by workers accredited under the SafeWork Code of Practice for Work Near Overhead Powerlines and the work must be carried out according to the Code of Practice.
As a Network Operator, Ausgrid is responsible for trimming vegetation around network assets that are not situated on private property.
Guidelines and plans
The tree trimming guidelines, standards and plans below determine how we manage vegetation across our network.
In consultation with councils and communities, we have developed Ausgrid’s Tree Safety Management Plan which sets out our vegetation management program and the minimum clearance distances that must be maintained between the electricity network and vegetation. It is a property owner's responsibility to ensure that the minimum clearance zones are kept free from vegetation.
Ausgrid’s bushfire safety responsibilities
As part of the conditions of our network operating licence, Ausgrid operates a Bushfire Prevention Program to check for potential hazards around the network in bushfire zones, This includes identifying vegetation growing in proximity to private poles and overhead powerlines. Where hazards are identified, property owners are requested to rectify the issue.