Ausgrid is trialling Stand Alone Power Systems (known as SAPS) to;
Stand alone power systems operate independently of the grid and supply continuous power 24 hours a day, using a mix of solar and battery storage and backup generation.
It is a local solution that allows customers and the wider community to share in the multiple benefits that stand-alone power systems can provide. The Ausgrid Stand Alone Power Systems trial aims to show how;
cost savings to all customers could be achieved as a result of not having to repair and maintain remote parts of the distribution network.
Engagement is more than just sharing information. By engaging with the community, Ausgrid works in good faith to communicate openly and clearly to ensure people are informed about our activities and decisions.
Please refer to the Stand Alone Power System Engagement Framework for information on how we engagement with landholders and communities on the installation of SAPS.
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We have completed the installation and commissioning of SAPS for customers who participated in phase 1 of the trial and over the next year we will be monitoring and evaluating the performance.
Ausgrid is now starting phase 2 of the trial where up to 30 landowners who live in hard to access or remote areas across the Hunter region will be invited to participate.
Over the next few months we will be meeting with selected customers to provide more information about the trial and to further assess suitability to participate in the trial. Ausgrid will then organise an energy audit to better understand their energy consumption patterns. Following engagement and planning, Ausgrid will then be able to finalise the participants for phase 2 of the SAPS trial.
The key benefit of SAPS is an improvement in resilience and reliability of supply for those customers in hard-to-reach areas and the reduction in cost of maintenance of the network.
Other benefits include:
The expected key benefits of introducing SAPS will be an improvement in resilience and reliability of supply for those customers in hard-to-reach areas and the reduction in cost of maintenance of the network. Other expected benefits will include a reduction in bushfire and safety risk when remote poles and wires are able to be removed. Also, where there are clusters of inhabitants, these systems could be expanded into a micro-grid. This trial is a first step and if successful will inform a potential larger trial.
In March 2021, Ausgrid surveyed customers in regional and remote parts of our distribution area to seek feedback and interest in an innovative trial to improve electricity supply and network resilience to extreme weather events. The survey results have assisted Ausgrid to complete further planning and to identify potential participants to take part in the initial phase of a Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS) trial. Ausgrid’s SAPS trial will be developed as a local solution that will allow customers and the wider community to share in the multiple benefits that stand alone power systems can provide.