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Click 'Make a report' to start
Tap on the pins to make a report
Zoom in to locate and report a property
Enter the suburb or postcode to find the outage

Something went wrong!

Sorry we weren't able to proceed with your report. To report a power supply problem Please call us on

Thank you!

Your report has been submitted successfully

Our crews will attend this location as soon as possible:

Google street address: {{markerGoogleAddress}}


What happens next?

An Ausgrid Emergency Service Officer will check the reported location as soon as possible.

Access to your property: If we need to visit your property to make safety checks, our officer will call you in advance from a private mobile number. If we are unable to contact you, we will presume no one is home and the job will be closed. 

Safely restrain any animals: Please make sure any dogs are securely restrained so we can access your property safely.

Stay a safe distance away from fallen poles and wires

  • Stay at least 8 metres or 2 car lengths away from fallen poles and wires and remind others to stay well clear.  Call our 24hr Emergency and Fault Line on 13 13 88 if you see fire or sparking wires.

How to change or cancel your report?

  • Should you need to cancel your report please contact us on 13 13 88. Please have your reference number ready to quote. On the call select option 3, enter your postcode and listen to the messaging, and then select option 3 again to talk to a member of the Customer Service Team.


Thank you!

Your report has been submitted.

Job reference number: {{jobReferenceNumber}}
Google street address: {{markerGoogleAddress}}

Our crews will attend the location as soon as possible and make sure it is safe. We will also arrange any repairs to Ausgrid's network.

Are you in any danger?  Electrical emergencies such as shocks and tingles from taps, or sparking wires should be reported by phone on 13 13 88 (24hrs). Stay well away from fallen powerlines, and report life threatening emergencies on 000.

What happens next?

Ausgrid officers are required to make contact with the occupant before entering a property. In the event we can't contact you, Ausgrid will still attend but remain outside your property boundary. If no immediate hazards can be identified from outside the property we will attempt to make contact again prior to closing the job.

Safely restrain any animals:  Please make sure any dogs are securely restrained so we can access your property safely.  

Do you need to update your report?

Should you need to contact us about your report please call us on 13 13 88 and have your reference number ready to quote. On the call select option 3, enter your postcode and listen to the messaging, and then select option 3 again to talk to a member of the Customer Service Team.

Contact us

Service update

The hazard reporting service is under maintenance tonight, Tuesday 18 February between 8pm and 11pm. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please call us on 13 13 88 to report electrical emergencies.

Report a hazard

Step 1  Search for a location (Your mobile will centre on your current location)
Step 2  
Click 'Make a Report' to display the properties and pole icons in your location

Step 3   Pick the house or pole icon that is nearest to the hazard and click 'Report'
Step 4   Provide your details and any additional hazard information and click 'Submit'

Make a report at this location

Step 1 ✔ Search a location (Your mobile will centre on your current location)
Step 2 ✔ 
Click 'Make a Report' to display the properties and pole icons in your location

Step 3   Pick a house or pole icon nearest to the hazard and click 'Report'
Step 4   Provide your details and any additional hazard information and click 'Submit'

Report a problem with {{reportType}}

Select a pole or property
What would you like to report?
Content contains invalid characters
  Please select what would you like to report
Describe the problem

Nearly there - just a few more details

Electrical emergencies such as shocks and tingles from taps should be reported by phone on 13 13 88 (24hrs). Stay well away from fallen powerlines, and report life threatening emergencies on 000.

Please select what is the problem
Please specify other problem Content contains invalid characters
Content contains invalid characters Please enter a short description
Upload a photo
(Optional) A photo of the hazard makes it easier for our maintenance crew to identify the problem. Stand at least 8m away when photographing a hazard.
Please ensure the photos you upload are appropriate and relevant. Maximum of 3 photos and 10MB per photo (PNG, JPG).
or drag & drop a file here
Your details
Please enter first name First name contains invalid characters
Please enter last name Last name contains invalid characters
Please enter full name Content contains invalid characters
Some reports require further verification - please enter an accurate contact number Contact number is required The number provied is not an Australian phone number
We will email your reference number and information on what happens next. Email address is required Please enter a valid email address
We will confirm your reference number and information on how to cancel. SMS cannot be sent to a landline number please provide a valid Australia mobile number, OR change your communication channel to email and provide a valid email address.
When you submit this form, Ausgrid (ABN 78 508 211 731) (we, our, us) collects your personal information, including any photographs you have uploaded to identify, manage and respond to the issue you have reported. We may also use the information you have provided to contact you and may disclose your personal information (including photographs) to our third-party service providers who may also contact you in relation to the issue you have reported. When submitting this form you agree that you are authorised to submit any photographs attached, and that these are appropriate and relevant. Please read our Privacy Policy for further details on how we handle personal information, or to contact us.

Please review and accept the privacy notice.
Please call us on 13 13 88 for faults and emergencies and if the matter is life threatening please call 000 immediately.