Grants for Good
Our communities are at the heart of everything we do. Our grants are one way we give back to those we serve.
Wildlife officer holding a koala
Grants for Good is an important way in which we can support communities, causes and organisations across our network area.

Our Grants for Good winners have been announced

After an overwhelming response from employees and the community, we are excited to announce the successful recipients of Ausgrid’s Grants for Good program. 

In 2024, there were two streams of funding available:

  • Our Electrification Grants, which help communities embrace the switch from gas to electric alternatives, offer funding up to $15,000.
  • Our Grassroots Grants offer funding up to $5,000 and support causes and organisations our communities care about.

The calibre of the applications was exceptionally high, making our selection process incredibly challenging.

Our judges considered over 200 applications and have awarded 12 electrification grants of up to $15,000 and 10 grassroots grants of up to $5,000.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who nominated!

The dedication to community improvement and sustainability is truly inspiring. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of these projects. Grants for Good will re-open in October 2025 - so be sure to check back in for details around how you can get involved.

Applications for 2025 grants are now closed. Please follow Ausgrid on Facebook for updates on the 2026 Grants for Good application process.

Grants Awarded

Belmont Wetlands State Park | Electrification | $8,800

Grant Category: Good for the Environment

Belmont Wetlands State Park are going electric!

Ausgrid is proud to support Belmont Wetlands State Park in their mission of sustainable land management and environmental conservation. They are focusing on bush regeneration, dune stabilisation and sustainable asset protection zone maintenance.

Their Grants for Good funds will replace old fossil-fuel-powered equipment with eco-friendly electric alternatives. Electric chainsaws, lawnmowers, pressure washers, backpack sprayers and brush cutters will help reduce Belmont Wetlands State Park’s gas emissions, improve air quality, reduce noise pollution, and lower operational costs.

Eleebana Public School | Electrification | $2,500

Grant Category: Good for the Community, Good for the Environment

Homemade, made healthier!

Ausgrid is proud to support Eleebana Public School in their efforts to make school lunches healthier by offering electric home cooked style meals for students.

The canteen, run by Eleebana Public School P&C group, will be able to offer healthy meals for over 500 students with the addition of an induction cooktop in the canteen. Purchased using their Grants for Good funds, parents will be able to send their children to school knowing they have the option of a warm, hearty, and healthy lunch like Spaghetti Bolognaise or Butter Chicken from the canteen.

Careers in Colour | Grassroots | $5,000

Grant Category: Good for the Community

Building a diverse leadership pipeline!

Ausgrid is proud to support Careers in Colour (CiC) as they continue to empower professionals from diverse backgrounds and promote workplace inclusivity.

Founded by Ausgrid’s own Victor Ho, CiC has so far engaged with over 2,000 professionals through workshops and events across Sydney and Melbourne. Using their Grants for Good funds, CiC can scale up initiatives that empower professionals of colour, helping tackle systemic barriers and promoting workplace inclusivity.

Warners Bay Girl Guides | Grassroots | $2,786

Grant Category: Good for the Community

Girls guiding a sustainable future!

Ausgrid is proud to support the Warners Bay Girl Guides as they continue to provide a safe and educational space for young girls to learn fundamental life skills.

Warners Bay Girl Guides will be using their Grants for Good funds to replace two broken ovens and portable gas stove with a new electric oven and cooktop. The new appliance provides a safer, more sustainable cooking option for the Girl Guides to learn to cook and bake.

The new oven and cooktop will also enable the Girl Guides Hall to be hired as a children’s party venue, providing an additional income stream and boosting year-round fundraising efforts.

Lindfield District Cricket Club | Grassroots | $5,000

Grant Category: Good for the Community

Supporting women in sport!

Ausgrid is proud to support the Lindfield District Cricket Club as they continue to lead the way in supporting women’s cricket on Sydney’s North Shore.

Lindfield District Cricket Club is encouraging more women to join their club by using their Grants for Good funds to support women’s specific clothing, playing equipment and women’s coaching. By supporting women's teams, more women will sign up, supporting cricket not just cricket, but women’s sports teams as a whole.

Zac O’Farrell, Lindfield Cricket Club – Grants manager, said the Grants for Good funding is helping give women at the club a sense of identity. “Your grant will assist us in providing a safe, inclusive and supportive environment for girls to fall in love with the game.”

Walkabout Wildlife Conservation Foundation | Electrification | $15,000 

Grant Category: Good for the Environment

Helping our furry friends!

Ausgrid is proud to support the Walkabout Wildlife Conservation Foundation as they continue to provide a sanctuary to almost 400 animals in need of safe care. In the face of severe weather and unplanned power outages, Walkabout Wildlife Conservation Foundation rely on solar power to maintain electricity and keep these native animals safe.

The foundation will be using their Grants for Good funds to purchase a battery to harness the solar power they generate and to ensure they can keep the lights on day-in, day-out.

Awabakal Ltd | Electrification | $8,000

Grant Category: Good for the Community

Brightening community services!

Ausgrid is proud to support Awabakal Ltd as they expand their Cardiff clinic to improve community services. The clinic provides medical, mental health, educational and housing support to locals and has been an integral part of the Cardiff community for over 40 years.

Awabakal Ltd will use their Grants for Good funds to upgrade the electrical wiring and fixtures of the clinic and its expansion, providing 4 additional clinic rooms for its patients. With adequate lighting and electrical upgrades, the clinic hopes to continue to play a fundamental role in servicing the local indigenous community.

Hunter Simba Football Club | Grassroots | $5,000

Grant Category: Good for the Community

Kicking goals for multicultural youth!

Ausgrid is proud to support the Hunter Simba Football Club as they continue providing a safe, fun and engaging space for the community. Founded in 2010, the club plays an important role for multicultural youths in Newcastle to be able to form connections and expand their education opportunities.

Hunter Simba Football Club will use their Grants for Good funds to enrol players into Coaching Diploma courses and providing new training gear, uniforms and first aid kits. The funds will also be used to help register young people in local leagues and in purchasing a new barbeque, helping the club generate income throughout the season.

Previous grant award recipient, Soul Hub Cafe share how their grant provided a community service.

We’re always inspired by the organisations and amazing people who benefit from our grants. Soul Hub Café is just one example, who kindly shared how the grant has supported their community as a past recipient. 

Soul Hub cafe staff

"Soul to me means family. If you are someone that’s never been here before; if you are a volunteer, a donor or guest the minute you set foot through the door you’ve become part of a family that cares & looks out for each other without judgements. It’s a family you feel has got your back not only for now but forever.” Ian.

"Ausgrid’s grant helped us provide a much-needed service to the increasing number of disadvantaged people in our community who need our assistance more than ever. While each week we serve nearly 1000 free meals, we feed a lot of guests in our café, we’re also committed to being ‘more than a meal’ and deliver a wide range of help and support to everyone that comes in, including our Soul social work and medical clinics, podiatry, audiology, chiropractic, legal and accommodation services, Centrelink, hairdressing, Service NSW and NDIS. We are community-funded, and couldn’t do what we do without the generous support of groups like Ausgrid."
Matt Ortiger, General Manager