Solar, batteries and embedded generation

Connecting solar, batteries and other embedded generation

We want to help you get your solar or other embedded generation connected as soon as possible. Read the information below to understand the steps to connecting your solar or battery.

Emissions target - pic of a solar panel

In this section:

What is the process of applying for and connecting solar or other embedded generation?
Connection applications
Fees and timeframes
Frequently asked questions
Metering upgrades
Safety inspections

What is the process of applying for and connecting solar or other embedded generation?

Solar/Battery 30kW or less (maximum of 10kW per phase)

Rooftop solar panels and battery systems at residential and commercial premises typically fit into this category. 

  1. Your installer will submit an embedded generation connection application to Ausgrid.
  2. Ausgrid will review the application for approval.
  3. Once your connection application is approved, your solar installer will complete the installation.
  4. You may need to organise a metering upgrade with your electricity retailer.

When you are ready to apply check the connection application guides and start your connection at 'Apply for a connection'.

Solar/Battery greater than 30kW and less than or equal to 200kW 

Refer to the Application Process Guide for details of the connection process steps.

Solar/Battery greater than 200kW

These are typically inverter energy systems with a total inverter capacity exceeding 200kW and less than 5MW. For more information see 'Connection non-registered embedded generation.'

Registered Generators

Refer to the connecting registered generator guideline (pdf) for information regarding connections made under Chapter 5 of the National Electricity Rules. Chapter 5 applies to generators that have a capacity greater than 5MW and that will be registered with AEMO.

Ready to start your application?

If you are applying for a new solar connection or to modify an existing solar connection, apply online here.

Who can help me with my application?

Having the right information on your application assists us with approving your application. Your Solar Installer is best placed to assist you. Ausgrid strongly recommends that an electrical professional submit the application on your behalf, as the information required can be quite technical. Incorrect information on your application may cause delays to connection approval.

Refer to the Connection Guide: Modifying a connection under 100 Amp for further support with your application. 

Connection application approvals

Most inverter connection applications up to 10kW per phase* of generation are automatically approved, whereas larger systems and non-inverter generation will require a technical assessment.

Ausgrid is committed to processing connection applications within the target timeframes below. For applications that attract a technical assessment, timeframes can be impacted where additional information is required for the assessment. 

*sum of all inverter nameplate ratings for each connection to the network.

Timeframes and fees

Single Phase   Target Timeframes and typical fees (inc. GST)
Inverter Energy Systems up to 10kW total 5 business days 
Inverter Energy Systems greater than 10kW
Up to 30kW total)
10 business days 
Rotating machines up to 10kW NOT connectable in parallel to the grid 5 business days
Rotating machines that are greater than 10kW and/or rotating machines that may connect in parallel to the grid Please contact Ausgrid at with details of your
proposal prior to submitting an online application.



Three Phase  Target timeframes and typical fees (inc. GST)
Inverter Energy Systems up to 10kW per phase
5 business days 

 Embedded Generation up to 10kW per phase NOT connectable in parallel to the grid 5 business days 
Standby Only Generation greater than 10kW per phase that uses an Automatic Transfer Switch or Manual Transfer Switch and is NOT connectable to the grid. 10 business days
 Inverter Energy Systems up to 30kW that are used in conjunction with an Inverter Power Sharing Device. 10 business days
(Partial payment at application, remainder will be invoiced)
 Inverter Energy Systems over 30kW up to 200kW that do NOT require Interface Protection 10 business days
Rotating machines that may connect in parallel to the grid for no more than one second (Synchrous Close Transfer Trip) $560.87
(Partial payment at application, remainder will be invoiced)
Inverter Energy Systems over 30kW up to 200kW that DO require Interface Protection (e.g. utilising Inverter Power Sharing Devices) 10 business days
(Partial payment at application, remainder will be invoiced.)
Greater than 200kW and up to 1MW Inverter Energy Systems or rotating generation greater than 30kW that may connect in parallel with the grid for one than one second 24 business days 
(Partial payment at application, remainder will be invoiced.)
Greater than 1MW Inverter Energy Systems or rotating generation that may connect in parallel with the grid for more than one second Variable. Dependant on size and complexity of connecting equipment. 
Fees quoted following initial assessment of application.

If you haven't received your connection approval or further application fee advice within 10 business days, please contact Connection Operations on 02 4399 8099 or

Connection application FAQs

Why has my application been declined?

Ausgrid will decline applications for:

  • requests to connect outside of the Ausgrid network area
  • duplicate applications
  • failure to identify a connection within a multi tenanted installation on the form
  • incorrect entry of inverter information where the application details are incompatible with AEMO register requirements. 

What does Ausgrid approve?

Ausgrid’s role is to consider the impact of any proposed solar/battery systems on the distribution network. The Service and Installation Rules of NSW require any solar or other embedded generation installation to gain Ausgrid’s written approval prior to energisation of the embedded generating system. 

How is my electricity retailer involved in connecting my solar system?

Electricity retailers are responsible for metering and billing. There are various retail contract offerings that will impact your return on investment. For more information, visit 'Choosing a solar system'.

Meter upgrades 

Customers may need to upgrade their meter to a Smart Meter when installing solar to ensure usage information is captured accurately for their electricity accounts. If you need to upgrade your electricity meter, you should contact your electricity retailer to arrange for appropriate metering to be installed. Your solar installer may support you with this process.

Read more on our meter upgrades and faults section. The Australian Energy Market Commission’s AEMC’s website also provides metering advice.

Safety inspections

Certificate of Compliance for Electrical Work

It is important that you use a Clean Energy Council accredited installer and ensure that you receive a copy of the Certificate of Compliance for Electrical Work (CCEW) from the installer as a record that the appropriate electrical safety testing has taken place. 

If you are having trouble with an existing solar and/or battery system, see support for an existing solar and battery system.

Installation audit and defect notices

Ausgrid may carry out audit inspections of solar and battery installations connected to our network. 

Please note: Due to the large number of solar and battery systems being installed, it can take several months for our installation inspectors to visit your premises after your installation has been connected.

If any system is found to be unsafe, we will disconnect it immediately. The installation inspector will leave a notification of disconnection and details of the safety defect at the premises. For more information, see Electrical Installation Defects.

More information

Advice on what to consider when you are choosing a solar system
Support for your system after installation
Information for solar installers