Network planning

Regulatory investment test projects


In order to achieve the best possible outcomes for our customers we engage and consult with all interested parties on network projects that are subject to a regulatory investment test. This is a cost-benefit test that must be applied when we assess options for solutions for network projects above $6 million  and is required under Chapter 5 of the National Electricity Rules.  

These projects relate to capital works for network expansion as well as replacement and refurbishment. Below is a list of network planning projects that are open for public consultation.

If you wish to make a submission or provide comments on:

For more information about the Regulatory Investment Test process, please refer here.

If you are a non-network provider and are interested in being involved in our future consultation processes, then register your details on our Demand Management Engagement Register.

Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution (RIT-D) Projects  

Addressing reliability requirements in the Ku-ring-gai load area

Addressing large customers requirements in the Macquarie Park (Wallumatta) area  

Addressing reliability requirements in the Mascot area

Addressing increased customer demand in the Circular Quay load area

Addressing increased customer demand in the Macquarie Park area

Addressing reliability requirements in Milperra load area

Addressing reliability requirements in Burwood load area

Addressing reliability requirements in Tarro load area

Addressing reliability requirements in Zetland and Waterloo load areas

Addressing reliability requirements in the Kingsford load area

Addressing reliability requirements in the Concord area

Addressing reliability requirements in the Maroubra area

Addressing reliability requirements for the Sydney Airport network area

Addressing increased customer demand requirements in the Rozelle area

Managing asset risks in the St George network area

Addressing increased customer demand requirements in the Macquarie Park area

Addressing reliability in the Clovelly load area

Addressing reliability in the Revesby and Milperra load areas

Addressing reliability requirements in the Lower North Shore Area

Modernising Ausgrid's Operational Control System

Addressing reliability requirements in Flemington load area

Addressing reliability requirements in Sydney CBD

Addressing reliability requirements in the Enfield Network Area

Addressing reliability requirements in the Inner West Network Area

Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) Projects

Powering Sydney's Future