Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.
Regulatory Reset
Ausgrid plans for 2024-2029
apartment buildings at dusk

Every five years, Ausgrid is required to submit a plan to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) detailing our proposed service delivery, costs, and prices for the next five years. The AER’s role is to review our proposal to ensure it reflects the services our customers value at the lowest sustainable cost. Our regulatory proposal covers 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2029.

In developing our regulatory proposal, we engaged extensively with our customers and stakeholders on what they value and their priorities for the future, and their feedback helped shape our proposal for 2024-2029.

The chart below shows the project’s timeline and key milestones.

regulatory reset milestones

The AER has made its final decision for Ausgrid for 2024-2029, which you can find here. This final decision concludes over two and a half years of work to determine the revenue we can recover from our customers for the 2024-2029 period.

About Ausgrid's plan

In recognition of the energy transition to renewables, our 2024-2029 Plan focuses on delivering resilient, affordable and clean power to our communities. Many key elements of our Plan reflect our customers' cost-of-living concerns, including:

  • Our operating costs (opex) are reflective of an efficient business. Compared to 2015, our opex has seen a 40% reduction.
  • Our replacement capital expenditure (repex), making up 45% of total capex, is well below the AER's efficiency threshold.
  • We have reduced our capital expenditure by 2% compared with our current period spend.
  • While committed to achieving the highest level of protection, we reduced our cyber security program through efficiency saving.

We also considered a wider range of options to efficiently and prudently respond to the growing impact of storms on our network.

Finally, our 2024-29 Plan sets out our network tariffs for the next five years. Our tariff strategy recognises the benefits associated with the rollout of smart meters. Our tariff assignment ensures that customers with smart meters will be assigned to a cost-reflective tariff, which provides incentives to reduce pressure on our network during peak demand periods. Further details can be found here.

Determining the right path for the future of energy is important but challenging. We are grateful for the feedback our customers and stakeholders provided during our engagement. It has helped shape our services and the grid of the future that will meet customers' needs.