Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.

Power2U Program

Battery Virtual Power Plant Trial


Ausgrid's Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Trial explores how the grid can integrate with renewables and partner with industry and customers to maximise grid efficiency and reduce costs for customers.

Ausgrid’s partnership with Reposit Power, Evergen and ShineHub has enabled us to offer more choice for hundreds and potentially thousands of customers to join Ausgrid's virtual power plant (VPP). 

How does the VPP work?

A virtual power plant is a network of decentralised small-scale generators that work together to help power the home and businesses connected to the grid. In return, participating customers are paid for the energy they supply, lowering their energy costs. And by dispatching, storing and delivering solar directly from customers’ batteries when required, the VPP will enable Ausgrid to increase the flexibility of the grid eventually leading to lower costs for everyone on the grid.




Are you an interested in joining a VPP?

Ausgrid’s VPP trial closed in June 2022. If you are interested in joining another VPP program you can contact Reposit Power, Evergen or ShineHub and other VPP providers for more information.

Ausgrid’s VPP Project Reports

Read the latest updates on our research activities in the trial with our selected battery providers:

Further information

Read the Media Release

VPP Expansion with ShineHub, Nine coverage

NSW Government Empowering Homes Program – trial in the Hunter region that enables eligible homeowners access interest-free loans to install solar battery systems.



Find out more about this project