Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.

Contractors and industry

Demand management planning

apartment buildings at dusk

When replacing ageing assets or undertaking network expansion, we consider both network investment and non-network solutions.

To determine which solution is the most cost effective for our customers and the community, we conduct internal investigations as well as consulting with market providers and the community to uncover the least cost solutions.

Projects with demand management potential (capital cost above $6 million) 

For all projects where network expansion or the replacement of a component has a capital cost in excess of $6 million, a Regulatory Investment Test for Distributors (RIT-D) process is followed to assess both network and non-network solutions.

Although not required under the RIT-D, Ausgrid conducts demand management screening tests for many projects with a capital cost less than $6 million.  Assessed on a case by case basis, the screening tests and any resultant detailed investigations and community engagement will necessarily reflect the scale of the opportunity.

Click here to read all of our current RIT-D consultations and reports.

Projects with demand management potential (capital cost below $6 million)

For augmentation or asset replacement projects with a capital cost less than $6 million, the RIT-D process is not required. The likelihood of finding suitable cost effective demand management solutions is instead assessed on a case by case basis taking into account the nature of the constraint and the characteristics of the supply area. While non-network options will be considered, a simplified process is used for these smaller projects.

You can read how we conduct demand management investigations and engage with stakeholders and providers in our Demand Management Engagement Document.

Keeping informed

If you would like to be kept informed about our demand management activities and receive our quarterly e-newsletter, you can opt in via Demand Management news.
If you have further questions regarding demand management at Ausgrid, please email us at . 

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