If the retailer fully passed through our two-way tariff, a typical 5 kW solar customer will see an annual bill increase of $6.60 per year. This includes $13.30 a year in charges, offset by $6.70 of export rebate ($13.30 - $6.70 = $6.60).
The tariff includes a free threshold with the amount you can export to the network for free depending on which month of the year your solar system or battery is exporting. The following free export thresholds apply to energy sent into the Ausgrid network between 10am and 3pm.
The example chart below shows how the threshold is applied on a typical November day.
The customer sends 307 kWh into the network between 10am and 3pm. As the free threshold for November is 205 kWh, the customer is only charged for 102 kWh ($1.19 for the month).
The customer is rewarded for 52 kWh that is sent into the network after 4pm ($1.21 for the month). The overall export charge to the customer for November is a credit of 2 cents.