Hunter-Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone
Ausgrid has partnered with the Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) to deliver landmark network infrastructure upgrades required to support the Hunter-Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone (HCC REZ).
Windmill from top


NSW’s ageing coal-fired power stations are reaching the end of their life. Some are closing faster than expected, with most due to shut in the next ten years.

The NSW Government has a strategy to meet electricity demand with renewable energy, aiming to provide consumers with cleaner, more affordable, and reliable electricity.

About the Hunter-Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone

The Hunter-Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone (HCC REZ) was declared by the Minister of Energy in 2022.

Following a competitive tender process, Ausgrid was announced in December 2024 as the preferred network operator to deliver critical upgrades to the electricity network to support the HCC REZ.

The HCC REZ intends to deliver an additional 1 gigawatt (GW) of network capacity. 

What work is proposed?

The HCC REZ infrastructure will be built predominantly on corridors of land known as easements. Ausgrid will use these existing corridors where possible; however, in some sections, expansion or procurement of new easements may be necessary.

Proposed works include:

  • Upgrading approximately 85km of existing sub-transmission lines.
  • Constructing two new energy hubs (substations).
  • Upgrading two existing energy hubs (substations).
  • Installing 18km new underground fibre optic communications cable.
  • Upgrading secondary systems throughout the Hunter to facilitate seamless integration with the new infrastructure.
Hunter Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone Route Map October 2024

What is a Renewable Energy Zone?

Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) are the modern-day equivalent of traditional power stations. They are regions where new wind and solar power generation are grouped so electricity can be efficiently stored and transmitted throughout NSW. 

There are five REZs in NSW. They are expected to provide a cleaner energy sector and emissions reductions in line with the NSW Government’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, which was passed into effect in December 2020. 

HCC REZ project planning and design process

Ausgrid will work closely with the local community and regional stakeholders on the design and location of the HCC REZ network infrastructure.

Part of the process involves Ausgrid preparing a detailed Review of Environmental Factors (REF), which includes detailed consideration and ground investigations into a range of environmental factors, including air and water quality, geology and soil, noise and vibration, bushfire and other hazards, Aboriginal heritage, and social and economic aspects. This REF is then displayed for public feedback around mid-2025. 

Submissions are collated and addressed as part of finalising the project design.