When to call us
If a tree is in immediate danger of falling on powerlines or a branch has fallen on powerlines, call 13 13 88. A dangerous or life-threatening electrical situation should not be reported online.
If you are in a life-threatening situation, call 000 immediately
Electrical faults like sparking wires or equipment, fallen powerlines and poles, exposed cables, shocks and tingles from electrical equipment and taps should be reported by calling 13 13 88.
About tree trimming
Homeowners are usually responsible for maintaining safe clearances between powerlines and trees growing on their property. Given the potential dangers, always hire a professional arborist or licensed contractor to trim back vegetation near powerlines. You may need approval from your local council before trimming trees on your property.
Trees growing on council land are maintained by Ausgrid or local councils. Throughout the year, Ausgrid and local councils will cut back vegetation near powerlines to reduce the risk of power outages, electrical fires, and power surges.
Let's get started
Would you like to request a tree trimming inspection?